Junior Report has participated in the Europe Day event with the 13 ambassador schools of the European Parliament in Catalonia. During the morning, more than 500 students attended a pedagogical and participatory event that brought the EU closer to students through talks, workshops and activities.

The intermissions of the day have been energized by the Junior Report team, which has asked the students questions related to health and the functioning of the European Union. The students, who already have prior knowledge of the institution, have filled out a mural about the challenges that the EU has to address and have summarized the day with newspaper headlines. They have also given their opinion on new European measures and have collaborated with a current affairs quiz.

This is the eighth edition of the initiative of the General Directorate of Communication where 117 European Parliament Ambassador Schools participate in Spain, 13 of which in Catalonia.

The day also included the recording of the 3Cat LOFT program, an Artificial Intelligence workshop, a video message of welcome from the president of the European Chamber, Roberta Metsola; a closure by the general director of communication and spokesperson of the European Parliament, Jaume Duch; and the interpretation of the European anthem by ESMUC.