The Second Vatican Council states: “The Church cannot be considered truly founded, nor is it a full sign of the presence of Christ among men, if an authentic laity does not work with the Hierarchy” (AG 21). These words from Vatican II highlight a decisive aspect of the synodal stage that we are experiencing as a Church: that we have all been invited, from parishes, associations or movements within the framework of the respective dioceses, to follow what the Pope Francis, that “the path of synodality is the path that God expects of the Church of the third millennium.” And hence he has ordered the bishops to consult all the components of the ecclesial body, including “the laity, whether individually or associated.”

And why can we say that the synod that is being held in Rome is more than a synod? Because this synod can only be understood if we follow the path of Pope Francis in these ten years of pontificate. Already in his first interview he said: “The image of the Church that I like the most is that of the holy People of God. It is the definition that I use the most, taken from the Second Vatican Council. The Church is the People of God walking through history, in the midst of joys and pains.” This entails affirming that “all members of the People of God have the same dignity and true equality.” However, unfortunately, shortly after the Council some sectors made too sociological use of the name People of God, a situation that led to its use being rather marginalized for the Magisterium. Fifty years after Vatican II, Pope Francis, without fear of misunderstandings, recovers the broad conciliar use of People of God and has been deploying it, emphasizing that the way of living and doing Church as People of God involves a “walking together.” ” which means, “synodality.”

Furthermore, Pope Francis, with his pastoral tone – in which his Jesuit origin is evident – has been displaying what this People of God is like and how he would like it to be configured with two very original images: first, it is the People of God seen as a polyhedron, since “the model is not the sphere, where each point is equidistant and there are no differences between them. The model is the polyhedron, which reflects the confluence of the various partialities that preserve their originality in it.” The second image wants to relate the People of God with the pastoral ministry and that is why it uses the suggestive image of the inverted pyramid. Indeed, in the Church the top is below the base. That is why those who exercise the authority of the pastoral service are called “ministers” (mini!): because, according to the meaning of the word, they are the least. That is why the Pope himself has also been called since ancient times: “the servant of the servants of God.”

And what is it and what does the current synod meeting in Rome this October 2023 do? First, listen to the most relevant of what has been said in the synodal reflections of our parishes, associations, movements within the framework of the diocese itself and synthesized in the great regional meetings that have been held (in Prague, Europe has done it). . In fact, Pope Francis has expanded this synod of bishops with other members of the People of God: laity, both men and women, priests and religious, with more than three hundred people. That is why it can be said that “what is being celebrated in Rome is more than a synod”, since it is a notable testimony of a Church lived more as the People of God, with a growing and decisive role -even if slowly!- of the laity who are the majority of the People of God.

It must be remembered that this synod will continue with a second one in October 2024. This way, the relevant points of the current synod can be resumed, and there will be time for the discernment of the conclusive synod with dynamic and concrete guidelines. What can you expect? More than very spectacular conclusions, one will be able to perceive the path towards a Church that is alive and committed, more participatory, more communitarian, more of the laity, in short more “synodal” in the form of a polyhedron that welcomes diversities, and in the form of an inverted pyramid that It is at the service of everyone. In short, and being a minority in many places, this “walking together” of the Church has to make it possible for the Gospel to be better salt and better light for our world!