According to data from the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology, 41.9% of Spanish society suffers from presbyopia, also known as ‘eyestrain’. When the age range exceeds or is established at 55 years, the statistics shoot up to 70%. Tempus fugit, since presbyopia, linked to the passage of time and the years, is not a disease, but rather a refractive defect (it changes direction when passing obliquely from one medium to another with a different speed of propagation, according to the Royal Language Academy). These visual defects occupy the first steps of eye diseases, very common in Spain when referring to eyestrain.

By having the most advanced surgical technology, at an ocular level, the Institut Oftalmològic Tres Torres (IOTT), intervenes efficiently. By applying the Catalys laser, which allows precise targeting of tired eyesight, the lens is intervened effectively, making exact incisions. Ophthalmologically, IOTT is a pioneer when it comes to using the aforementioned technique. In the presbyopia operation, the crystalline lens is replaced by an intraocular lens, an artificial lens for the eye.

“Tired eyesight forces us to lengthen our arms – to read better – and to use glasses to read,” says Emilio Juárez, director of the Tres Torres Oftalmològic Institute. In conclusion, Juárez states that at IOTT “we solve the problem by treating it with multifocal lenses, using a safe, fast and effective technique”, with the Catalys laser as an ally. The years do not pass in vain and imply the aging of the lens, which is more rigid and has hardened.

This effect implies presbyopia, a refractive defect that causes the loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens, the ocular lens that allows objects and shapes to focus at different distances: short, medium and long. The active symptoms of eyestrain are the following: the eye cannot properly focus on objects and shapes, producing the effect of visual fatigue, texts ‘dance’ and letters become blurred. All of this implies redness, dryness and itching of the eyes, in addition to the need to distance objects to appreciate them better or a headache when concentrating on one point for a long period of time. For this reason, the greatest act of prevention is to periodically attend ophthalmological check-ups, carrying them out regularly from the age of 40, which is already a risk age in this ocular matter.

After five minutes of intervention using the Catalys laser, in a practical and simple action against presbyopia, results begin to be seen after 24 hours. The prescription of vision is raised and, therefore, visual acuity is expanded. Surgical intervention in IOTT allows glasses and contact lenses to be removed. In conclusion, the feeling of independence is greater after eye strain intervenes.