Brands have succumbed to the power of storytelling as the great tool in their strategy to connect with the user, build loyalty and build branding: branded content has been consolidated in advertising budgets in recent years. Investment in brand content does not stop growing. According to data from InfoAdex, branded content is positioned in Spain as the fourth estimated medium in advertising investment; In 2022, companies allocated 453 million euros to this discipline, 8.9% more than in the previous year. And the trend is global… and unstoppable.

Branded content makes you fall in love for many reasons. The first, because it is unconventional advertising that is not invasive. It is based on creativity and innovation: the aim is to create an original content strategy, with impact, that explains the brand’s values ​​in a natural and well-integrated way. The creative component becomes non-negotiable to cook quality and relevant content. Thanks to this star ingredient, the success of a branded content campaign is not closely related to a large budget, which allows all brands to “play”: there is the possibility of leaving a mark if we hit the right button.

The second reason why this communication asset conquers is because it has a purpose that goes beyond explaining our mission and vision. Content must inform, educate, entertain or be useful. To do this, previously researching trends and the audience and working on quality content is essential, and that becomes a great added value that is highly appreciated by the user. The third reason is that it directly attacks emotion, because, let’s not forget: we are telling a story, we are using the art of storytelling. And narrative is a human capacity inherent to our evolution that has, since the beginning of time, the great power of creating a real bond. Is there anything more valuable than connecting with our audience, and having the audience connect with our brand values?

But there is one more ingredient that makes the branded content recipe the most requested item on the menu. And it is, above all, its great adaptation to the reality of an advertising market saturated with fragmented audiences, to new consumer habits and to the evolution of trends in communication and consumption. Branded content does not seem to have limits in media, channels, or formats. We can see it worked in reports, in conversational or fictional podcasts, in a micro video for a social network or even in a meme. It can be materialized in a book, a guide, a short, a reality show or a movie (or isn’t ‘Barbie’ a brutal success story?). It can be an experience in the metaverse, a gamification that uses generative artificial intelligence so that the user can create something unique and personal, or a talk from a coach with a selected audience. The only limit is your imagination, and that is exciting, curious and surprising.

But how do you measure the success of branded content? The achievement goes beyond reading or viewing the content (which is already a lot, considering that the user voluntarily consumes it and even shares it! knowing that it is advertising). We talk about efficiency by conveying our values ​​and mission to the public, about authentic engagement with the audience it captivates, about increasing the value and reputation of our brand in the long term. But above all, to inspire and connect. Yes: brands, agencies, publishers and platforms, we trust branded content.