Protecting yourself with sun cream is more related to when you go to the beach or the pool: a little cream on your arms, a little on your face, legs, back and that’s it. However, knowing when to apply it and how to do it is key so as not to end up with some parts more burned than others.

Marta Alcalde, member of Dermofarmàcia i Productes Sanitaris of the Col legi de Pharmacèutics of Barcelona (COFB), explains that the first thing to do is identify when we are going to be exposed to the sun. It does not necessarily have to be just the pool or the beach, but also outdoor activities that involve a good time, such as going to the park or taking a walk. Thus, whenever there is sun exposure you have to protect yourself, stresses Mayor.

Then, it is best to apply the cream about 30 minutes before leaving home for two reasons. The first to make sure that the cream is going to be applied correctly and without haste. The second to leave the cream for a while to finish absorbing. One of the mistakes that is made is to put it directly on the beach, especially with the family, since that implies that perhaps you have already stained some parts of your body with sand or that there is a rush to enter the water.

Mayor explains that it is very important to cover all areas of the body, as there are some that are often forgotten. The neck, behind the ears, on the feet, parts of the hands, etc.

In addition, you have to pour abundantly. One way to measure the proper amount is to reach out and calculate as if there were one custard egg. “For example, for the face and neck it would be about half an egg, for each arm half an egg, for the legs one and a half eggs, for the back and shoulders one and a half, and for the belly and lower back also one and a half. medium,” he says. There is also a way to measure using the index finger and middle finger together: it would be two lines of cream.

On the creams that come in a spray, Alcalde recommends being even more generous when it comes to lying down. You have to do it at a distance of 10 centimeters from the skin and extend it with a massage.

For people who are reluctant to apply large amounts because they don’t have white skin after applying the cream, Alcalde argues that there are a wide variety of products on the market right now with different textures, so everyone can choose the right one. that suits you. For example, there are some adapted to those who play sports or others that wear some makeup.

In addition to applying it before going out, spreading it over all the parts of the body that are going to be exposed to the sun and applying it in abundance, it must also be renewed every two hours, Alcalde emphasizes. Between water, wind, sweat or when you use a towel to dry yourself, the protection wears off and that’s why you have to apply cream again.

Right now, within the framework of European regulations, the maximum factor there is is 50 and refers to protection against ultraviolet B rays. Properly applied, it would mean 500 minutes of protection. However, you have to reapply because not enough is usually added. Mayor also believes that it is advisable to use broad-spectrum creams. These protect against more variety of radiation: UVB, UVA, Infrared IR, and against blue light. Its use is an addition to the prevention of skin cancer.

On the other hand, the ideal cream may vary depending on the person and their phototype, that is, how dark or light their skin is. Alcalde recommends consulting the reference pharmacist about which product to choose. “All of this taking personal tastes into account,” she says.

An important point to note is that there is increasing awareness about the usefulness of using sunscreen throughout the year when there is exposure to the sun.