Five agents of the Mossos d’Esquadra were injured early Saturday morning when they tried to arrest several people who wanted to access a rave party around the Santa Anna reservoir, in the municipality of Ivars de Noguera.
The police managed to stop the occupants of a truck that was going to the party and which rammed a police car, but then other party participants confronted the officers and one of the two detainees was able to slip away. Now the mossos have control over the entrances to the illegal party to prevent more people from entering and those who are still there, a hundred, leaving in poor conditions.
According to the Catalan police, on Friday around eight o’clock in the afternoon they located an important group of vehicles in the port of Àger, made up mainly of vans and trucks with Italian and French license plates. The police discovered that they intended to organize a rave party in Pla de les Bruixes and when they tried to stop it, the vehicles left in groups.
On Saturday night they located the party around the Santa Anna reservoir. Around one in the morning, a patrol that was trying to prevent people from entering the party was hit by an oncoming truck and caused damage to a police vehicle.
The truck continued and another patrol managed to stop it and detain the driver and the passenger. The truck was preceded by more vehicles and its occupants managed to allow one of the two detainees to slip away. In the confrontation, five mossos were injured and of these, four were killed. The detainee is a 29-year-old Italian youth.
The police maintain an open investigation and have already identified several of the participants in the party. Likewise, work is being done to identify the organizers of the party. For all this, there are controls in the area to prevent more people from entering or leaving those who are in poor condition.