The almost forgotten pandemic disrupted social habits and forced digital connection to increase and, once the restrictions were overcome, the need for physical connection and living experiences became evident. And this not only occurred on a personal level, but was also transferred to other areas such as advertising, which is currently going through a critical moment in brand actions and is evident in the great growth of the experiential marketing sector in which they are developed. Advertisers have begun to put their brand experiences at the forefront within marketing and communication strategies, thus turning the experiential industry into a decisive player. In this context, the companies that make up this sector are forced to play a new role, as stated by Experientia Group, a leading experiential company with a history of more than 40 years with its two flagships MKTG Spain and RPM Sports.

Jesús García, CEO of this company that carries out more than 1,800 brand actions a year, refers to “the need to incorporate formats that leave a mark, that offer valuable content to connect with audiences. This is where brand experiences come into play as the perfect solution to surprise and excite.

Emotion is crucial for the message to penetrate and the desired connection to occur.” Eduardo León, responsible for events and sponsorships at Pascual, emphasizes that from the studies carried out among its interest groups they are aware that experiences have become “crucial tools to be able to reach our consumers in a different way and thus meet our marketing objectives. successful marketing. In our marketing strategy they have gained positions in recent years backed by success in meeting the KPIs that we set for ourselves.”

Awakening the emotions of the target and conveying a brand message is not an easy task; creativity and innovation are the best possible combination to achieve the objective, according to García. “The consumer is increasingly demanding, being able to cross that border and achieve real connection is a daily challenge that our teams face.

To be different and stand out, not only for the consumer, but also for the brands themselves and within the sector, you must have a very innovative, groundbreaking, highly creative approach, generating strategies that combine all these aspects and become a success.” , points out the manager.

Although it is not always a sales objective that is pursued, experiences have also demonstrated its value in connecting and raising awareness among the population on important issues. In this sense, the MAPFRE Foundation is managing to educate in the healthy use of new technologies thanks to Ciberland. Antonio Guzmán Córdoba, director of the Health Promotion Area of ​​the MAPFRE Foundation, explains that “through this experience it is much easier to convey these very relevant messages. “Visitors can learn and reflect through a formative, playful and non-intrusive action, experiencing first-hand the risks that the virtual world entails.”

Experientia Group is also the creator of renowned sports events, such as the Titan World Series, which has come of age as a benchmark in the world of mountain biking. José Ignacio Hernández, Managing Director of Experientia Group, points out that “it is more than a sporting event, it is a personal adventure for everyone who experiences it. Having managed to internationalize the mother event, which takes place in Morocco, and make the leap to two more continents was an ambitious goal, but one that is working and awakening the interest of more fans of this type of extreme challenges that also become a bet perfect for brands that identify with these values.”

In this sense, the values ​​that are associated with these sporting experiences make brands commit to linking themselves to them and being directly part of them. This is the case of Škoda, the brand that gives its name to the Škoda Titan Desert that take place in Morocco and Almería, and in which, according to Joan Massallé, Sponsorig Manager of Škoda Spain, “our relationship goes far beyond A sponsorship is a full identification with the Titan’s values ​​of improvement, camaraderie and adventure. Guests of the brand, as well as our own ambassadors, participate in them, where the presence of our 100% electric Enyaq model leading the pack represents our contribution to the sustainability of the project.”

The key to success lies in developing innovative projects for any type of brand, taking into account the objectives to be achieved and the target audience. “At Experientia Group we proudly claim to be a strategic consultant for our clients because our work with them goes beyond the mere provision of services,” says Jose Ignacio, Managing Director of the company. “We blend in and align ourselves with them to shape their requirement and transform it into a success and, at this point, it is vitally important to know the audience we are targeting very well to find the key and generate connection, something that is “It becomes increasingly complicated due to the large number of impacts to which we are exposed.” With this way of working, transforming a brand briefing into an experience that meets the clients’ objectives has a high probability of success, based on the results obtained.