In its consolidated history of more than 175 years, the Sagrat Cor Sarrià Foundation has always had the seal of an educational perspective marked by a path of inclusion that seeks to respond to the needs of the moment.

The center embraces a mission with a balanced approach, where educational excellence and inclusion coexist and complement one another; An example of this is the integration of a special school for students with multiple disabilities (Nadís SCS) within the ordinary school environment.

This commitment to diversity is not only a differentiating feature, but a declaration of principles that defines the center’s philosophy.

A concrete example of this way of doing school is the award-winning “ESTiMA” project, that is, STEAM (Science, Technology, Art, Engineering, Mathematics) Inclusion, which has become a living testimony of how technology becomes an inclusive tool. Through Learning and Service, Sagrat Cor Sarrià students use science as a pedagogical tool with their classmates with cerebral palsy at the Nadís Special Education School. Ordinary and special students work together to become content creators, overcoming barriers and integrating this knowledge in a global and functional way.

In the words of Susanna Tuset, promoter of the ESTiMA project, with which she was awarded the STEM TEACHER AWARD: “STEAM is a very powerful tool to reach all students and be able to carry out meaningful, deep, personalized learning.” , and contextualized today, based on their different capacities and talents to bring out the best in each of them.”

This project exemplifies the fit between the digital world and the human dimension. A model of balanced coexistence between ordinary and special education that, while it may seem like a utopia, has landed in a reality of immeasurable pedagogical and human enrichment.

Under the motto “Dream high”, the Sagrat Cor Sarrià school believes in 21st century education, where dreams become real experiences that must serve to put knowledge and heart at the service of society. This pedagogical approach is manifested in four pillars: PERSON, FAMILY, BALANCE AND COMMITMENT.

The essence of this center’s approach lies in the harmonious combination between proven experience and openness to new forms of learning. The Sagrat Cor Sarrià seeks to ensure that innovation has a significant purpose. To do this, he aims to combine consolidated practices with new educational methods, putting resources and methodology at the service of the pedagogical purpose.

However, this balance not only lies in the technological field, but also resonates in the classrooms and throughout the school universe: taking root in local culture and elevating the vision towards a global context, adding family and school vectors, balancing tutoring individual with group sessions, shaping a unique profile of each student, analyzing their social and academic integration in the classroom and promoting personal and cooperative work.

The school’s will is to achieve meaningful learning, based on critical knowledge, which puts WHAT in relation to HOW, WHY and WHY.

In short, Sagrat Cor Sarrià is not just an educational center, it is a community with a soul that puts people at the center and trains them to become agents of change with the intention of transforming society into a more just one.

Knowledge, heart and freedom are the field of action of Sagrat Cor Sarrià education.