The Spanish labor market resembles a kaleidoscope in which different sectors demand different skills. Some stand out for offering a greater range of jobs. It is the so-called technological profiles that concentrate the greatest demand, motivated by the fact that the number of companies dedicated to programming, consulting and other activities related to computing have increased by 71.3%, according to the study ” Labor Market Trends in Spain 2023”, carried out by the Occupations Observatory of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE).

Software developers, data analysts and cybersecurity experts are the most sought after and coveted professionals. The Tech Career Report 2023, carried out by the Manfred job portal, points out that 34% of the roles demanded by companies are for bankend developer positions, which is the professional in charge of creating and maintaining the part of the software that It works on the server and is not visible to the end user. This is followed, with 19.4% of the requests, by the frontend developer, who is the person in charge of programming the web browser, that is, translating the design and visual style definitions into semantic HTML codes.

Another report, in this case Robert Half Technology’s 2024 Salary Guide, points out that recruitment by the technology industry continues the upward trend, with 61% of managers planning new hires and 34% looking to fill existing vacancies in areas such as digital transformation, security and privacy, artificial intelligence (AI), automation and data analysis.

To respond to this demand, ENTI-UB, a center specialized in higher training in technology attached to the University of Barcelona, ​​next year launches the first official university degree in Cybersecurity in Catalonia, studies that complement the higher degree training cycle in Administration of computer systems and networks with a Cybersecurity profile. Since 2013, this same center has been teaching the official university degree in Video Game Development.

Another sector in which there is a lack of professionals is health. The demand extends to various specialties and roles, reflecting the complexity and diversity of needs in the healthcare sector. The combination of clinical skills, specific experience and adaptability to technological advances becomes crucial to stand out in this highly competitive field.

Among the most sought-after health professionals are nurses of all specializations, but with greater emphasis on pediatric and gerontological care, along with caregivers specialized in home care for the elderly or patients with special needs. Rehabilitation and care for people with physical disabilities are also growing areas. At the same time, there is an increase in demand for mental health professionals – psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers specialized in mental health – and health technology specialists.

According to Faro Edtech, a company specialized in digital health training, the profiles with the best prospects for 2024 are nursing, geriatrics, occupational medicine, biomedicine and specialists in AI linked to health and in medical data security. The degree in Nursing – followed by Medicine and the

degrees in Education and Pedagogy – led the list of most in-demand degrees in Spain, according to a report by Infoempleo

and Adecco on employment supply and demand. It also highlights that university studies have recovered part of the ground lost since 2020, increasing their presence in offers to reach 37.30% of published employment. This makes them the training level most required by companies.