When we age, the facial tissues present dynamic wrinkles due to expression and static wrinkles, caused by the sagging and falling of the tissues. There are people who don’t care, but there are others who don’t look good and find it difficult to be optimistic. Aesthetic surgery deals with solving each case with the appropriate techniques.

We call our set of techniques MINIMALLY INVASIVE LIFTING, because we make very small scars, but we treat all the necessary structures, not because we do a mini lift that solves nothing. In addition, we apply comprehensive rejuvenation through lipofilling of the entire face and neck with the appropriate techniques in each area: macrofat for the cheekbones, microfat for dark circles and nasolabial folds; nanofat to whiten the skin tone of the lower eyelid, emulsion with plasma rich in growth factors (PRP) to carry out mesotherapy of the entire skin of the face and neck.

Facelift techniques have been evolving. At the level of rejuvenation of the upper third, the classic techniques are to make a coronal incision from ear to ear to reach between the eyebrows and section the corrugator muscles that frown it and raise the tail of the eyebrows and reduce frontal wrinkles. We use endoscopy with two one-centimeter scars hidden in the scalp, and from there we perform the treatment of the muscles and the tail of the eyebrow without leaving visible scars. In fact, only two one-centimeter scars remain on the scalp.

We have been pioneers in these techniques worldwide and they are described in our book: “Endoscopy in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery” Serra Renom, J.M. Masson Publishing House, Barcelona (1995). At the level of the middle third, it is very important to restore the facial ovule. When a person smiles they look better and younger, and this is because it raises the cheekbone and decreases the height of the lower eyelid, giving it a more pleasant appearance.

In aesthetic surgery, the negative vector is corrected through lipofilling, which consists of injecting small one-millimeter lipomas filling the cheekbone and this technique is described by us and is called correction of the facial negative vector (we launched this technique when treating patients with atrophy facial, due to retrovirals and verifying that the fat injected into the cheeks was not only not absorbed, but also greatly improved the quality of the skin due to the stem cells and that is why we began to use it in facial rejuvenation). ”Periorbital rejuvenation to improve the negative vector with blepharoplasty and fat grafting in the malar area. Serra-Renom, J.M, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2011 Jul 29. 27 (6): 447-452.

At the neck level, cervical rejuvenation or double chin treatment is performed with a technique described by us and which is referenced in our magazine with the highest impact factor. This is used by many surgeons worldwide, because it solves the angle of the neck and draws the mandibular contour very well and allows lipofilling for the entire face because we do not create empty spaces by not lifting the SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System). with minimal scarring but treating all necessary structures:  “Inferiorly Pedicle Tongue-Shaped Smas Flap Transposed to the Mastoid to Improve the Nasolabial Fold and Jowls Endhance Neck Contouring During Face-Lft Surgery.” Serra-Renom J. M. Plast Reconstr Surg.

First of all, four structures must be assessed: sagging and skin characteristics. Secondly, the fatty tissue, thirdly the ptosis or fall of the platysma muscles that causes these two or more bands; and, finally, the fall of the submandibular gland. First we perform a liposculpture with a flat cannula designed by us, very fine, two millimeters and with it we extract the excess fatty tissue that is necessary but very moderately through two two millimeter incisions under the earlobe.

Below, we treat the muscular plane. At the Dr. Clinic. At Serra Renom we are pioneers globally in the use of stem cells and at our world congress the Springer publishing house asked us to do a book with these techniques. “Atlas of Minimally Invasive Facelift,Facial Rejuvenation with Volumetric Lipofilling” Serra-Renom, J.M,. Springer International Publishing. Switzerland, 2016. Translated into Russian: Authors: The Spanish-State, The Spanish-State. Ed. москва «медпресс- dиафро 2018. With this protocol of technicians we will live in all the fabrics correctly in their primary facilities, they are regenerated by the fraction of the fraction. Mothers who Proporting a rejuvenence minimally invasive comprehensive facial with minimal scarring.