Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity. The increase in temperatures, the loss of biodiversity, the melting of glaciers and the rise in sea levels are just some of the most visible effects of this global problem whose effects are increasing.

We are seeing it with the increase in forest fires and drought, which have been affecting our country since March. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, flooding and tornadoes reflect the effects of climate change.

The most recent report from the IPCC (the UN group of experts on climate change) warns us that we must all act from all areas to keep the global temperature increase to 1.5ºC. Otherwise, the consequences can be dire and without going back.

For all these reasons, SDG13: Climate Action has become one of the most important UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

According to the UN, climate action is the need to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its negative effects.” To achieve this objective, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, at the same time, raise awareness among the population about the importance of protecting the environment and promoting a sustainable lifestyle.

One of the biggest challenges is the need to reduce polluting emissions. To achieve this, policies and measures that promote clean energy and energy efficiency must be put in place: this includes the transition to renewable energy, such as solar and wind, and the promotion of public transport and electric vehicles.

Although these measures are aimed at large companies and public administrations, citizens can also contribute to climate action.

Perhaps as individuals we cannot take big actions, but we can make small contributions and raise awareness among our friends and neighbors: we can reduce energy consumption in our home, using efficient appliances and turning off lights when not in use; Going by public transport, cycling or walking to reduce polluting gases is another useful measure.

There are also community actions such as beach cleaning campaigns, urban gardens and community composting programs in which we can all participate. Can you think of other similar initiatives?

If you have ideas, you can win a prize. You only have to present a project to promote SDG13: Climate Action at the Blanquerna Impulsa Awards organized by Blanquerna-URL. The purpose is to make the UN SDGs known among young people, encourage them to get involved in achieving these global goals and disseminate them.

These awards are aimed at students in the 4th year of ESO, baccalaureate or training cycles from educational centers in Catalonia, Andorra or the Balearic Islands, and are divided into different categories according to the field of action: communication, health, international relations and educational field. The educational centers can present their projects in two modalities: projects elaborated by a group of students or global projects of the center.

The registration period is open until May 20, 2023. Check the bases on their website.