The Civil Guard has arrested and brought to justice a man accused of carrying out violent robberies in around thirty vehicles, breaking the rear windows. All the robberies have been carried out in the Madrid town of Majadahonda.

The arrested person, with numerous records for similar events, is also accused of crimes of theft and fraud, since he allegedly used bank cards stolen from the cars to make payments in various establishments, the Madrid Command of the armed institute reported this Monday.

The investigation, carried out jointly with the Majadahonda Local Police, began last October, when Civil Guard agents detected an increase in complaints of robberies inside vehicles.

These were generally parked on public roads and in all cases had the rear window broken, so the investigations pointed to the possibility that the perpetrator was the same person.

The investigation focused on a man who had a history of similar acts, and he was finally arrested as the alleged perpetrator of at least thirty robberies.