An off-duty National Police agent detained a man mid-flight from Palma de Mallorca to Seville for harassing several female passengers, threatening to kill another traveler and attempting to attack the policeman himself.

As reported by the police in a note, an off-duty National Police agent stationed at the Jerez de la Frontera Police Station (Cádiz) detained a passenger in mid-flight for displaying violent and aggressive behavior against crew members. cabin, as well as against other passengers on the plane.

The incident occurred on August 2 inside the cabin of a commercial flight that had departed from Palma de Mallorca Airport bound for the city of Seville. In the early stages of the flight, one person behaved aggressively, but at first the cabin staff managed to calm him down.

When the plane began its approach maneuver to Seville Airport, the detainee began to harass several very young female passengers who were right in front of him. He also issued death threats to another passenger who tried to protect the girls, stating that he “was going to cut him when they got to Seville.”

Faced with this violent behavior and seeing that this attitude could jeopardize the safety of the flight, the policeman intervened and identified himself as a National Police agent in order to calm the man down.

This fact provoked the anger of the man, who got up, threatened and tried to attack the agent with his fist. The policeman managed to avoid the punch, restrained him and then arrested him, despite the man’s strong resistance.

The flight commander reported the facts to the Seville control tower, which facilitated the immediate landing and arranged for a Civil Guard team at the foot of the runway that entered the cabin as soon as they touched down. The man is accused of crimes of attack against an agent of the authority, threats and a crime against air traffic.