Not half an hour has lasted the statement made at his own request on Monday by the footballer, Dani Alves, accused of raping a young woman in the bathrooms of a private room at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, ​​at dawn on December 31. The head of court 15 has given the floor to the defendant who has recounted in one go for approximately twenty minutes his version of what happened that night. The defendant has assured that what happened in that bathroom were sexual relations “consented by both parties.” The man has answered questions from all parties, from the victim’s lawyer, Ester García, from the prosecutor Elisabet Jiménez and from her lawyer, Cristobal Martel. The statement began almost two hours late after the management of Brians 2 had not received the request for release until Monday morning. Even so, the magistrate wanted to go ahead with the plan and the different parties awaited the arrival of the footballer.

At the end, Martell has been “more than satisfied” with the declaration of his client. He has assured that his approach has been “clear and seamless”. The defendant has justified the different versions that he offered in his first statement on January 20, assuring that at that moment the only thing that worried him was what his ex-wife, Joana Sanz, might think of him, of whom he has said that he continues to love .

Alves has explained that there was a “mutual sexual attraction” with the young woman when they both coincided in the private room, to which the complainant agreed with a cousin and a friend, approaching the table of the player and his friend at their request. That while they were dancing and flirting, he was the one who proposed to the woman that they go to the bathroom together and that she agreed.

That the man first accessed the small bathroom for the exclusive use of reserved guests and that two minutes later she entered, as they had previously agreed. That the woman was “the one who pulled my pants down and began to give me fellatio” and that she then turned to continue with vaginal penetration that ended at the moment of ejaculating, which he did outside the complainant’s body.

Alves has assured that in none of the moments that the sexual relationship lasted in the bathroom did he receive a refusal or a reproach from the young woman and that they both also agreed to leave the cabin first to do it later and thus not raise suspicions. And that he did not continue talking to the young woman because he did not see her again.

After his story, the magistrate asked the defendant if he wanted to add anything else and Alves explained that this was what had happened. The prosecutor Elisabeth Jiménez has asked him if things had gone as the man told, how could he then justify the injury that the woman presented in the knee. Alves has recognized that he had no answer for it.

The victim’s lawyer, Ester García, has also wanted to ask and has warned that the defendant’s story, assuring that he kept his hands on the woman’s hips the whole time, does not coincide with the position of the victim and the player on the bathroom walls and whose map was drawn up by the Mossos d’Esquadra of the scientific police.

Martell wanted Alves to insist on the “sexual attraction” that the accused and complainant kept in the private room the moments before accessing the bathroom and to which the player’s lawyer refers in the report on the images from the Sutton cameras. A document that the lawyer will present in the next few days before the head of court 15 to request the release of her client.