The new manifesto against the war in Palestine ‘The war must stop. Neither terrorism, nor genocide’, which was released this Sunday, has 4,125 signatures from 21 countries, including those of Pedro Almodóvar, Rozalén and Jordi Évole.

During the presentation, which took place at the Ateneo de Madrid, figures such as the emeritus judge of the Supreme Court, José Antonio Martín Pallín, and Joanen Cunyat, member of Recortes Cero, the party that promoted the writing, were present.

According to the first lines of the text, “the criminal terrorist actions of Hamas deserve our strongest condemnation, but they cannot serve to justify the genocide practiced by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.”

Likewise, the document demands, on the one hand, Israel, to “stop the bombing immediately, comply with international law and enable a humanitarian corridor” and, on the other, Hamas, to stop “its terrorist attacks and the liberation of the hostages”.

Furthermore, the manifesto proposes increasing international pressure to impose a ceasefire, UN mediation, work on a Peace Agreement based on the existence of the two States and the implementation of the proposition approved by Congress in the 2014, in which the government is urged to recognize Palestine as a State.

It is a manifesto that has acquired great relevance thanks to signatories from all areas, such as Andreu Buenafuente, Antonio Maestre, Vetusta Morla, Marwán, Isabel Coixet, Ana Belén, C. Tangana, Manuela Carmena, Rayden, Loles León, Ramoncín, Fran Sevilla or Clara Lago, among many others.

This presentation took place after on November 2, several representatives of the manifesto met in Moncloa with the President of the Government, to convey their intention to extend said document internationally.