Aesthetic medicine has acquired, over the years, a central role in the panorama of health and personal well-being. This field, which combines elements of traditional medicine with cosmetic procedures to improve aesthetics and personal satisfaction, has seen notable growth not only in demand for its services, but also in interest in training in this specialty.

Aesthetic medicine focuses on improving appearance through the use of non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments. This includes procedures such as the application of Botox, dermal fillers, mesotherapy, laser treatments, among others. Unlike plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine does not seek to make drastic changes or major surgical interventions, but rather to improve appearance in a subtle way and with fewer associated risks.

Dr. Flaminia Villagrán, expert in aesthetic medicine and founder of Faceworks Clinic, explains that in recent years these practices have become more popular. “Many people do not have the time for long recoveries like conventional surgeries, so new treatments have been aimed at providing them with these less invasive options with faster recovery times,” she says.

The birth of aesthetic medicine dates back several decades, but it has been in the last twenty years that it has really taken flight, driven by technological advances and a change in social perception about aesthetic care.

The growing acceptance of these treatments as part of general wellness has played a crucial role in their popularity. One of the main reasons is that it provides different advantages, among which improving self-esteem stands out.

Dr. Bruno Cassettai, an aesthetic doctor at Bloome, mentions that this type of medicine applied correctly can impact people’s well-being and health in a positive way. “It’s not just about having pretty lips or not having wrinkles, it’s about looking good and feeling good about yourself,” states the doctor.

In this regard, Dr. Flaminia Villagrán highlights the importance of improving people’s emotional side and conveying to them that aesthetic medicine is not something superficial or banal, but rather a specialty that helps work on their self-esteem.

He explains that with these procedures people become more full of energy, fulfilled and happy. It’s not about changing them, she says, but helping them be the best version of themselves.

“Deep down, what human beings are looking for is love, to feel accepted by their peers, and since ancient cultures, bodily changes were already made, such as Japanese women with small feet, Thai tribes with rings in their necks. This has been going on for centuries, but with different trends.”

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), non-surgical treatments have seen an increase in popularity, accounting for almost 90% of all aesthetic procedures performed globally.

In Spain, the sector has shown consistent annual growth, reflecting not only an increase in demand, but also greater acceptance of these treatments.

A clear example is that in 2022, according to the Aesthetic/cosmetic procedures report, a total of 431,315 procedures were performed. Of them, 220,960 were cosmetic surgeries and 210,355 were non-surgical aesthetic interventions. Of this last category, 36% was with hyaluronic acid, 35.6% was botulinum toxin (Botox) and 7.7% was treatment for cellulite.

Elisabeth Álvarez, founder and director of INOUT with a master’s degree in dermocosmetics and formulation, explains the current panorama of this practice. “What I have seen in recent years is that what people are most concerned about is looking good, above all else. They don’t focus so much on a specific filler or a specific technique, people want to look good and have healthy and as beautiful skin as possible.” To achieve this, different techniques, devices and treatments are used.

Given the rapid evolution of technologies in aesthetic medicine, it is essential to decide what new techniques or equipment to incorporate. “One of the criteria that is very important to me, almost like a mantra, is to ask myself this question: would I pay what this is worth as a client? Is the result worth it? I never mind investing if the machines or products are worth it and I improve the quality, but I value and think a lot about each decision.”

Álvarez explains that patient treatment is essential. “We adapt each treatment to the person, we evaluate each case. (…) Word of mouth has been what has made INOUT start to become known and it also helps a lot that it is the reference beauty center for celebrities in Spain.”

Celebrities such as Aitana, Jessica Goicoechea, Nathy Peluso or Jonan Wiergo, among others, visit the establishment and show the procedures that are performed on social networks, publicizing the results of this type of procedures that are increasingly increasing.

Regarding the future, the professional explains that regenerative aesthetic medicine is next. “It doesn’t just stay on the skin, but the goal is to regenerate muscle and bone tissue. Although it sounds like science fiction now, we are going in that direction. We no longer “repair” or “fill,” medicine now seeks to regenerate,” she concludes.

Staying updated is essential in this field that is continually advancing. “You always have to look for courses to continue updating yourself. The more you study, the better options you will be able to provide to your patients,” says Dr. Flaminia Villagrán.

The doctor, who has taught courses at Harvard University and is considered one of the 100 most powerful women in Central America by Forbes, emphasizes the importance of studying. From reading newspapers on the subject to learning about the techniques used in different countries, studying aesthetic medicine can be a promising and rewarding career.

With an increase in demand for qualified professionals, specialist courses in aesthetic medicine offer an excellent opportunity for those interested in joining this dynamic field.

Educational institutions that offer these programs usually include intensive practical training, which is crucial given the technical and practical nature of the treatments. At Emagister they have different courses to train future aesthetic medicine professionals, so that they increase their knowledge and learn new ways of caring for potential patients.