How has advertising evolved in recent years?

Abysmally, especially in terms of technology and the way consumers interact with brands. Artificial intelligence has proven to be a powerful catalyst for innovation in our industry. It allows us to collect and analyze large amounts of data at a speed that was previously unthinkable. With this information, we can create more personalized and effective advertising campaigns than ever. Of course, the essence remains. I still see advertising as the art of seducing. Like the art of convincing the public that the product they are seeing is the one they need.

Is there a key to making an idea work? What do you have to appeal to to connect with the consumer?

If there was a manual with the keys, everything would be decided and this sector would be extremely boring. However, reducing it to a minimum, we could talk about the need to have a good briefing; a client who wants to do daring and different things; an agency with disruptive proposals and, finally, a bit of luck so that this campaign or action has an impact as you had imagined, transcends and achieves real changes in society. Because this is about telling stories. Authentic and relevant stories that resonate with users’ experiences and perspectives.

Can we say that today brands are creators of opinion? Should it be like this?

It is true that brands have great power in today’s society and can influence public opinion. However, I believe that it is not their main function to be opinion creators. Brands must make changes. Impact and leave a mark for a better society. They must focus on creating value. Value understood in terms of the role of brands in promoting positive values ​​and fighting social problems. For example, in the last decade, many have taken a clear position on issues such as gender equality, diversity or climate change, and have used their power and influence to raise awareness in society and promote positive changes. And that has translated into results, in the creation of a community and in its positioning as brand love.

What role does creativity play in the current context with the emergence of Ogilvy artificial intelligence?

Creativity remains fundamental in advertising, as it is what allows brands to stand out and connect emotionally with consumers. That doesn’t stop creative from also needing to be backed by data and strategy to ensure it is effective and relevant. AI can be a very useful tool for creatives, allowing them to access large amounts of data and gain valuable insights into consumer behavior and market trends. This can help them create more effective and personalized advertising campaigns, but creativity allows us to think outside the box, find creative solutions to complex problems and connect with consumers’ emotions.

Furthermore, creativity also plays an important role in brand differentiation. In a world increasingly saturated with similar information and products, where we are moving towards the era of liquid advertising, creativity can help brands stand out and create an emotional connection with their customers.

What do you mean by liquid advertising?

I’m talking about the ability of brands to adapt and evolve in a changing and dynamic environment. It is a form of advertising that adapts to changes in consumer behavior, market trends and new technologies. We are directed towards that type of advertising. Instead of a single mass campaign, brands will tailor their messages to each individual, channel, moment and situation. This personalization not only improves the relevance of our campaigns, but also allows us to build deeper, more meaningful relationships with our customers. This implies greater collaboration between different departments of the company, as well as a greater ability to experiment and test new ideas.

Does data always contribute?

Data is very valuable to understand the customer and achieve effective campaigns. However, it is important to keep in mind that not all data is useful or relevant, and that proper information management is key to making the most of its potential. We are in a context where there are agencies that know how to read, analyze and apply data in each of their actions and others that do not. To make the most of the information, advertising agencies must have experts in data analysis and technology. Profiles that a few years ago were unthinkable in a sector like advertising are now essential.

Do you think the influencer phenomenon has a long way to go?

I link it to the previous topic of data. If their impact can be measured and controlled, through data, they are a very valid solution. The influencer phenomenon has been an important trend in the world of marketing and advertising in recent years, and I believe it will continue to have a significant impact in the near future. Opinion leaders have proven to be an effective way to reach specific audiences and generate engagement with consumers. However, it is also true that the influencer market is increasingly saturated, which makes it more difficult for brands to find the right profiles and obtain a positive return on investment. Additionally, there are concerns about the transparency and authenticity of some influencers, which can negatively impact the perception of brands that work with them. To date it has been a poorly regulated area, where everyone has gone it alone and where amounts have been paid that perhaps did not correspond to the true impact.

What do we do with AI and how do you apply it at Ogilvy Barcelona? Boundaries?

You have to hug her. We must not be afraid. It’s about researching, testing, practicing and trying to instill it in our business. At Ogilvy Barcelona we are convinced that this revolution will make us better and that is why we have been working on an ambassador project within the agency for more than a year. Instead of entrusting everything to a group of AI experts, what we have done is that each area of ​​the agency investigates what tools can be useful in their daily lives and learns to use them. However, we always keep in mind the limits and challenges that using AI presents, and we work with ethics and privacy experts to ensure that we are using this technology responsibly and ethically.