On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, which is celebrated on April 2, Plena Inclusion Madrid has launched a campaign to raise awareness of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) under the motto ‘A single spectrum, infinite nuances’.

Although its current incidence is one in every 100 births, ASD continues to be “an invisible disorder for many and unknown to the majority of the population,” the association indicates in a press release.

The initiative, which includes a recreational day next Sunday the 7th, at Parque Warner, seeks to highlight “the different characteristics, tastes and interests of people with ASD through a wide range of colors.”

The objective is to help eliminate prejudices through different colors that reflect the variety of personal characteristics that “a large part of society tends to overlook, which contributes to perpetuating simplistic and unfair stigmas.”

The campaign has the collaboration of Metro de Madrid, EMT Madrid and Parques Reunidos Foundation, and will be visible on different media in the city of Madrid: posters located in suburban stations, videos broadcast on EMT buses and on social networks with the label

Plena Inclusion Madrid encourages “all people with disabilities, their families, entities and institutions and citizens to join the campaign and value the “infinite nuances” of the spectrum.

The day of fun and leisure, which will take place on Sunday from 11 a.m. at Parque Warner, will serve to highlight “the demands of people with ASD and their desire to participate in society, exercise their right to develop a life and having adequate support.

It is a “neurodevelopmental disorder, without a defined etiology or cause, and which is present from the person’s birth.”

The term “spectrum” is used because, “although there is a common core, there is great variability in needs depending on each person.”