A man has murdered a five-year-old child and seriously injured the mother in Bellcaire d’Empordà (Baix Empordà). The event occurred this Wednesday morning on Ter Vell street, as confirmed by police sources. The mother, a lifelong resident of the town and about 30 years old, knocked on the neighbor’s door after five in the morning asking for help.

The Mossos d’Esquadra’s main hypothesis is that the perpetrator of the crime would be the victim’s father and that he would have attacked both with stab wounds. It would, therefore, be a new case of vicarious violence. The Catalan police are trying to locate the murderer, who has fled the scene. As La Vanguardia has learned, he is a man with a large build, has tattoos and has a mohawk.

The Catalan police have already opened an investigation that, for the moment, is under summary secrecy and has been taken over by the Criminal Investigation Division.