Between 550,000 and 600,000 chickens have died in the fire in three warehouses at the Rujamar Group poultry farm, in San Lorenzo de la Parrilla (Cuenca). They account for a quarter of all the animals owned by this company, which is considered one of the most important in organic poultry farming and animal welfare.

The executive president of Rujamar, Rubén Martínez, has explained to the media in the vicinity of the burned facilities that the fire originated around 1:00 p.m. last Wednesday in the central warehouse of the three that have finally been burned by the flames and, as indicated, they are the most modern of the company, built in 2017, 2019 and 2020, with an estimated useful life of about 30 years.

Martínez has estimated that in those three warehouses there were between 550,000 and 600,000 chickens, all on the ground, since he has declared himself a firm defender of animal welfare, and has specified that they have died from smoke inhalation, in a “very fast and very cruel”.

He has also highlighted that the ten workers from the three warehouses have been able to get out on their own when the fire was detected and only one has suffered injuries when leaving the warehouse where he was.

In addition, he regretted that the fire spread quickly, and detailed: “We have a whole system of safety routes and there was no time to even connect the hose or anything because the fire spread super quickly. Within an hour they were already there. “The three warehouses caught fire and in less than three hours, everything was burned.”

In this way, he has indicated that the fire suppression system that he had installed has not been sufficient to control the flames. He has also stated that, at the moment, the causes that may have caused the fire are unknown and has specified that the entire perimeter of the warehouses, which are equipped with the latest technologies, is “controlled and clean.”

The executive president of Rujamar wanted to send a message of peace of mind to his clients, as he pointed out that although some 600,000 chickens have died, the company has two million more, which is why he stated that “unless a last-minute decision is made”, It will maintain the supply chain so that its main customers do not lack eggs.

On the other hand, he has also appreciated that “many colleagues” from the sector have contacted him to offer him eggs and “collaboration of all kinds.”

Martínez also thanked the “rapid response of the emergency services, both the Civil Guard and the firefighters” and stated that, although at this time there is no risk of the flames spreading to other facilities, there are still eight firefighters with three crews to prevent the classification center, offices, cardboard warehouse and other storage warehouses from being affected.

As for how he feels personally, Martínez has acknowledged that he is “whole, but broken.” “This is my life, it is what I have done all my life and in the end life gives you challenges and this is one more challenge that must be overcome and there is no point in regretting it,” reflected Martínez, who has advocated for ” work, keep a cool head and think about how to quell this as soon as possible and have the least impact on the company.

The Rujamar poultry group, founded in 1984 in San Lorenzo de la Parrilla (Cuenca), had a turnover of more than 60 million euros in 2023, directly employs 200 people and indirectly employs more than 400 and is considered a reference company in poultry farming. ecological and in its animal welfare measures for the chickens.