The Customs Surveillance Service and the Civil Guard have seized nearly 25,000 kilos of hashish hidden in a truck from Morocco in the port of Algeciras (Cádiz), both bodies reported this Friday in a press release. This would be the largest seizure of hashish intervened by road traffic since 2015, when the intervention of almost 48 tons of hashish was carried out, also in Algeciras and hidden in two trucks.

The vehicle, whose documentation declared it was transporting melons to Perpignan (France), was located in the cabotage area of ​​the port of Algeciras. There, a civil guard from the cynological group, with her drug-detecting dog, marked him as a suspect, after which he was inspected.

When they opened the trailer, the agents were surprised to see that the truck was only carrying a small number of melons and was carrying 22 wooden compartments with a large number of bales of hashish inside. Of the merchandise extracted so far, it is estimated that the truck was carrying 25,000 kilos of hashish, whose market value could have reached 50 million euros.

The driver of the vehicle has been arrested as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against public health and has been placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.