Adolescents are one of the population groups most involved in the use of social networks and at the same time one of the most vulnerable in terms of privacy, mental health and other factors that can make the cocktail with these platforms a real time bomb if are not monitored properly.

This has been demonstrated by the study by the Cyberpsychology research group of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), which warns that a significant number of young people have an unhealthy relationship with platforms such as Instagram, TikTok or X.

Specifically, the research concludes that 16% of the 1,534 minors between 11 and 17 years old who participated in the study showed problematic use of social networks, which can lead to difficulties in their face-to-face interpersonal relationships or the feeling of not having control of their own lives.

And even more clearly, 2.9% of adolescents use social networks in a clearly problematic way, according to the study carried out together with other researchers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

UNIR researchers speak of a “worrying use of social networks among the minors consulted”, since they have demonstrated “clearly problematic use, such as compulsively consulting them or having consequences in key spheres of life (such as family, social or school)”.

For Joaquín González-Cabrera, principal researcher of the Cyberpsychology group and the Research and Transfer Institute (ITEI) of UNIR, “social networks are a normative activity in our adolescents” and highlights that their use “can cause problems for a percentage of them.” ”.

In this sense, González-Cabrera highlights that “we should not demonize that adolescents regulate themselves emotionally through social networks, nor that they have a preference for online interaction, as long as this is not the only way.”

This study was carried out with a large sample of Spanish and Mexican adolescents, with 705 coming from schools in the Basque Country and 829 from Jalisco (Mexico), which has reflected a difference in behavior between both countries: In Spain, the problematic use of social networks by adolescents has been more associated with concern about being connected.

The problematic use of social networks by adolescents is a phenomenon that requires extensive training and specialized professionals to avoid disorders and unwanted consequences.

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