A good family and work conciliation represents the objective of the majority of groups of mothers, fathers and children. Achieving a good balance and compatibility between professional and personal life is key to the health and well-being of workers, as well as to the population development of a country. But it is not usually an easy task, despite the fact that it is something framed within the legal framework such as labor and family law.
Family and work conciliation is the right of workers to have a balance between their personal and family life with their professional life, without the harmony of these facets implying a continuous struggle. It has not always been easy and currently it is not, but there has been an evolution in the awareness of companies towards their workers. In addition, the law contemplates certain measures and rights, with a perspective of gender equality achieved over the years, which must be used to achieve it.
When dissecting the rights that a worker has for work and family reconciliation, two main types can be distinguished: paid leave and unpaid leave.
The different possibilities that a worker can cling to for work and family reconciliation are detailed in the regulations contained in the fifth section of Chapter II of the Workers’ Statute. To which many others are added. Such as Decree-Law 6/2019, of March 1, which modifies the previous Organic Law 3/2007 on equality between women and men. And the new bases with the approval on March 8, 2019 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, of article 34 of its section 8, regarding the distribution of the working day.