As you have opened this article, chances are you are an American or someone who takes a keen interest in the American lifestyle is one of the greatest privileges on the face of the Earth.

I am an American myself, and to be frank, we love eating as a whole. We barely eat home-cooked food and depend mainly on fast food and desserts. It would be shocking for you to read this article from the eastern part of the world, but we Americans don’t even use utensils. Instead, we eat directly from the packet itself.

I know all these may sound a little bizarre for a non-American, but this is how we Americans are. The best part about cakes is that you can order them to your home from an online cake shop.

Why Do Americans Eat Cakes For Dessert?

I can’t speak for all the Americans in the world; for the sake of convenience, I am only going to tell you why I, as an American, like cakes for dessert.

Well, there are many reasons, where should I start from? Of course, there is that sweet factor about it. People with sweet teeth are bound to like cakes. Its taste can bring peace to your heart and satisfy your taste buds. Let us take a look into the reasons why Americans, in general, like cakes.

1. Cakes Are Very Budget-Friendly

The best part of cakes is that they are extremely budget-friendly. You can have it any time you want. It does not matter if you are rich or if you are poor; you can always afford it.

Furthermore, cakes are available at all prices, surely the quality of a low-end cake will not compare with the quality of a high-end cake, but nonetheless, it is budget-friendly. As cakes come cheap, people like to use these as deserts.

2. Cakes Are Used as Deserts

The purpose of any dessert is to satisfy the taste buds and at the same time to aid in indigestion. As cakes are so mouth-watering, people do not mind having them after meals. According to a study, 70% of middle-class Americans eat cakes after supper.

3. Loved By All The Age Groups

Cakes are loved by all. There is no age limit. It is loved by little children as well as their parents and their grandparents as cakes come in so many different flavors, which is the main reason why they are loved by all age groups.

4. Cakes Have A Lot Of Variations

From chocolate cake to red velvet, cakes have a lot of variations. They come in a ton of different flavors. You can select different flavors depending on the kind of occasion that you are hosting. What I personally like about cakes is that they come with fruit and nuts, which is always a bonus.

Which Cake Flavours Do Americans Like The Most?

You probably have guessed it already, Americans love Chocolate cake the most, followed by Red Velvet.

● Chocolate Cake – The All-Time Favourite

As the chocolate cake is very popular among children, that is why chocolate cake has lots of sub-variations as well. For instance, you have the black forest, which is slightly different from the original chocolate cake.

Chocolate continues to be the most sold flavor of cake in the United States of America, with a market share of a whopping 25%. Another major reason that can be attributed to the staggering sales of chocolate cake is that it is pretty much available everywhere, from grocery stores to supermarkets to independent bakeries.

● RED VELVET – The Rising Star

Red Velvet cakes are mostly ordered and consumed at Weddings and Anniversaries. As the name suggests, red symbolizes love and passion.

The popularity of red velvet has been on the rise since 2014 and has certainly become one of the most liked flavors in America. As of today, the market share of red velvet cakes is 12%, which says a lot.

Final Thoughts

I hope you have found this article informative. When it comes to eating cakes, us American take it to another level, we love to enjoy every bit of it. A cake forms a major part of our cuisine as it is an integral part of our desserts.