The strength of urban and festive music in Catalan had its echo in the Mercè festivities with the concert held on Saturday on Menéndez Pelayo Avenue, where, under the commission of Rac105, the concerts of Edu Esteve, Triquell, Lildami were announced , Doctor Prats and The Tyets, a notable presence of euphoric artists who attracted a family audience, including some boys and girls for whom it was perhaps their first concert.

Menéndez Pelayo street receives the big concerts that used to be held in Reina Maria Cristina, a traditional stage discarded due to a mix of factors including the desire to decentralize the festivities, the match that FC Barcelona played on Saturday against Celta in Montjuïc and, of course, the altercations that occurred last year around Plaza España.

It was up to Edu Esteve, Eufòria finalist in 2022, to warm up the atmosphere when the sun was still ruling the sky, performing the songs from the Ara o mai EP and alternating his songs with versions of artists such as Justin Timberlake, Backstreet Boys or Nochentera by Vicco, second cousin of the artist. Classic and mainstream pop that he performed accompanied on stage by guitar, bass and drums in a performance where he played La Primavera, his main hit, and El far del sud, from Sopa de Cabra, which he sang hugging his grandmother, guest of honor at the evening.

Triquell took over opening with Entre fluids while his young fans screamed with excitement. The Barcelona musician did not stop moving during the hour-long performance, dancing, caressing the microphone and twisting the chain while he reeled off the songs from his first album, with guitar, bass and mixing console. There was no shortage of CBD i espardenyes, Jugular or NPC, accompanied by reinterpretations of songs like Clímax or L’espai que et crema in a danceable pop format, while Evanjelly sounded filtered by funk guitar playing to benefit the audience’s desire to dance. Corleone and Effervescent also played, syncopated and accelerated songs that Triquell recorded with his first band Alter Soma using English, as he did with Do I wanna know?, a guitar version of Artic Monkeys, or Detroit Tango, which sent the concert to the floor. dance.

The third appearance of the night was also related to Eufòria. Lildami, judge in both editions of the program, presented with the energy and color that characterizes him the songs from Dummy, a new and colorful hip hop album from which he extracted Ulleres de sol to begin a concert that made the numerous people dance. public gathered at that time between the University of Barcelona and the Les Corts cemetery. Dressed in a short-legged jumpsuit and a pink scarf as a headband, the musician from Terrassa performed a concert where the songs from the latest album (M’és Igual, 4 gats or Xiulet) were mixed with previous works such as 2080 or Pau Gasol jsin forget T’estimo Igual, his latest work popularized for being TV3’s song of the summer. Accompanied on stage by Maria Batalla and Scorty DK, Lildami made the audience jump again and again to finish with the obligatory stop at the Supermercat.

By the time Doctor Prats came on stage, most of the families had left, leaving room for the young audience. The sextet from Terrassa jumped with force, sounding Ara!. “Visca music in Catalan!” was Mark Riera’s war cry to open the ska, reggae and miscegenation party that the band took advantage of surprisingly to announce last night their “indefinite” withdrawal from the stage at the end of this year after going on one last tour, thus putting an end to the 8 years of training history. The bad news did not influence last night’s live performance, developed with the characteristic strength of the group that released A poc a poc, one of their latest festival hits, as soon as the concert began. With the complicity of the public, Doctor Prats reeled off fifteen songs without respite, animated by the hyperactivity of Ramon Figueras, who did not stop jumping and dancing with or without trumpet.

The audience was not quiet either, shouting, jumping and performing choreography with Loviu baby. They played the rumbera Mira-la, Massa Bé, from the last album Pel cantó bo, the celebrated Caminem úiló o el trap from Les teves pigues, and they did not forget to remember their old partner, Guillem Boltó, with Seguirem balant, the theme that recorded in collaboration with Stay Homas. Nor by Ferran Gallart, late singer of Strombers, to which they will dedicate Les nits no moren mai in a night that they closed, as it could not be otherwise, with La recepta, one of the last that Dr. Prats will sign.

That there was still a desire for music was clear when The Tyets, the Maresme couple, appeared, relying on the album Èpic solete to give the dawn an uninterrupted rhythm of reggaeton and fiesta major. Accompanied by drums, conga, guitar and keyboard, they broke up the last album with such celebrated songs as Tonteo, the homonymous Èpic solete, Bomba de fum or Let me alive, white letters and rhythms designed to keep jumping without pause or remorse. The summery La platja also played, the result of their collaboration with Stay Homas, although the collaboration they did with Julieta, the promising pop artist who last night was the surprise guest to sing Clar que t’he trobat a missing, written together by the three artists.

After the halfway point of the performance, Xavier Coca picked up the acoustic guitar to perform Desembre, and shortly after Oriol Ramón did the same, starting with Olivia, dedicated to his little niece, letting himself be helped by an audience that knew all the choruses. Track by track, “la tieta” demonstrated that they are the fashionable band of the Catalan urban scene, a title they displayed while they threatened to end the concert three times to return each time performing Amics, tiets i coneguts, Bailoteo and, to conclude the bolo, Coti x coti, saying goodbye holding hands while the mix of sardana and reggaeton that has made the duo from Mataró famous throughout Catalonia played at full volume.