Friendships are a necessity that is inherent with the human being, regardless of how sociable each person is. And this is something that varies with age. During youth, having a wide circle of friends is related to being popular, well-liked, and even successful. While, in more adulthood, this network of contacts is much more limited. However, regardless of the period of life in which one is, there can always be one of these: friends for convenience.

The saying goes that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Those who stay there in good times and in bad times, when everything is laughter and celebration, but also if you have to pitch in. Unlike those friendships that are not so pure, although many times they are not so easy to identify. So how can you find out what these fake friends are? There are certain keys to it.

Anyone who has not yet done it for themselves, has certain suspicions or is simply curious, will be able to find out if that friend that they have doubts about is a real one or is simply there out of interest. To achieve this, all you have to do is follow these points.