They scream, they cry, they throw themselves on the ground. Children’s tantrums generate great stress and feelings of frustration for parents who do not know how to respond to them. However, it is going to be something that will have to be dealt with, especially during what is known as a child’s terrible two years. So it is better to know why they happen and how to act in these situations so that they do not get out of control. The ideal would be to prevent them from happening, for example, by distracting the child or changing his attention span, methods that UNICEF recommends to prevent tantrums. But it’s not always that simple.

If a child is in the middle of a tantrum, a childish behavior that should not be ignored, the most important thing is that his or her parents or caregivers remain calm, otherwise the situation will only worsen. The child should then be restrained, offering words of help and comfort to calm him down. And, above all, give him an alternative and distract him from what caused the tantrum. Although this is precisely another aspect that must be delved into, that is, recognizing if there is a deeper reason behind that tantrum. Psychologist Mark Travers points to three possibilities.

Children can also suffer from stress and this could be hiding behind a case of frequent tantrums. Mainly because it is a way of externalizing and expressing the stressful situation that the minor is going through in front of the adults in their environment. The reasons can be varied, from pressures in the academic environment to problems in social interactions.

The actions that parents should take to improve the child’s condition would be to involve them in relaxation activities, which will be done jointly. As well as helping them increase their ability to express themselves, creating an environment in which they feel comfortable talking about their feelings will help. And, of course, lead by example.

Another reason behind tantrums could be the existence of a lack of emotional connection, which may be due to not sharing time, an alteration of priorities on the part of the parent, or conflicts within the family or between the parent’s bond with the child. the boy. In these cases, the psychologist mentions the importance of working on trust and undertaking parenting with control and effort.

The simple and plain need for attention is another reason for tantrums, motivated by the child’s unmet emotional needs. This is a warning sign for parents, who should dedicate individual time with their child and carry out joint activities that positively reinforce their bond.