If there is something abundant on social networks, it is precisely the enormous amount of images of pets in tender or funny scenes. And no wonder. When we are besieged by news of negative events, images of animals being naughty or endearing inevitably make us smile.

Proof of this is the million and a half likes added to the TikTok video shared by Caitlin Huang, where her dog Goose puts on shoes for the first time. Goose is a goldendoodle, the mixed breed resulting from the cross between a golden retriever and a poodle. As if this combination wasn’t adorable enough, the little dog turns into a bouncing dog when he starts walking with his brand new shoes.

As soon as his owner finishes putting on his shoes, Goose looks at his feet strangely. He picks them up, not quite sure what to do. When he dares to take a few steps, the unknown sensation of wearing shoes pushes him to jump, avoiding placing his paws on the ground. With those clumsy strides and jumps, he awakens the laughter of his human companions, who even comment that he “has turned into a rabbit” in the comments added to the video itself, which has gone viral on the social network. After a test walk around the house, we see how Goose gets used to the shoes and soon returns to walking normally.

Aside from the funny reactions of dogs when they put shoes on them, the truth is that this accessory fulfills a function that can be useful to our best four-legged friends. This is because their pads are very sensitive and, by being constantly in contact with the ground, they are exposed to risks such as suffering a cut wound, an insect bite, getting burned by too hot asphalt or ice in case. of snowfall or frost.

This does not mean that we should put shoes on our dogs whenever we go outside. But they are helpful in certain contexts, such as places or times of day when it is very hot and we cannot postpone taking our dog for a walk. Or on snowy days, to prevent him from getting ice burns, slipping, or his paws coming into contact with toxic products such as deicer that is often poured on sidewalks.

Likewise, you can use dog shoes if you are going to walk through a muddy area, in order to prevent their paws from getting too dirty. Finally, if your dog already has a pre-existing wound on one of its paws, the shoes will help it heal without aggravating the injury due to abrasion with the ground or because the animal itself bites it.