Nobody wants to miss Sant Jordi. Not even the Portuguese Lello. What is considered one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world travels for the first time from Porto to Barcelona to meet readers on such a special date.

From Plaza Reial, where its tent is located, its general director, Andreia Ferreira, explains to La Vanguardia that “we really wanted to come. We had always heard about this party and the images from that day left us speechless. This 2023 for We are finally fulfilling a dream”.

Ferreira admits that, “although we expected people to come to the stand, not even in the best of cases we imagined this madness. It’s eleven in the morning and it’s already full. We’re not going to take our smiles off all day, what HE”.

Readers who come to the blue tent will be able to find, among other volumes, two first editions from 1943 of The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which they usually exhibit in their establishment in Porto and which are coming out for the first time from their four walls.

It is not a trivial title. “When we were born in 1906, we started as a publishing house. Over the years, we left these functions but in 2018 we returned and the first book we released was this one. For us it will always be very special and that is why in Porto we have a thematic room dedicated to the work of the French pilot”, he admits.

Along with these valuable copies, readers will find pocket editions and a special eighty years edition, edited by the same bookstore, in collaboration with the Saint-Exupéry Foundation and the Hey de Poblenou studio, which will be available for the first time in Barcelona.