The world of tech is only getting more and more advanced. Each year we are seeing huge steps forward in all different aspects of the technology world, and with each stride forward we make, the more capable we are of advancing the world around us. 2017 saw huge strides made with regards to AI. For example, Sophie the Robot has become so advanced she is now a legal citizen of Saudi Arabia, and self-driving cars from companies such as Tesla are set to revolutionize the way we use transport. 2018 is here now, so let’s see what this year has in store for world of tech.

1. 5G Connectivity

We are all familiar with 4G – heck, most of us have it already. It makes our internet connection so much faster and easier to load, and this year we are set to see the introduction of 5G connectivity. 5G is made to be much faster at doing pretty much everything online, these faster speeds and lower latencies mean that users will see significantly less delays in loading web pages. However, the biggest advantage of 5G isn’t just faster browsing. It will enable much more reliable performances for things such as AI or VR, so technologies such as driverless cars can make quick and informed movements using the highest speeds possible to ensure user safety. It won’t be long till we get to use 5G for ourselves, since Verison announced that Samsung will be the first to experience the rollout of 5G, we may be seeing it as early as the second half of this year – so watch this space!


2. Cryptocurrencies

2017 was without a doubt the year of the Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency saw massive increases in usage and has rocketed to the top as more and more people are investing in it. Not only that, but recently Venezuela announced their own cryptocurrency, the Petro, in a bid to tackle their finanical crisis. The Petro has now been deemed illegal, but it does beg the question, is this the future of money? Although the Petro has fallen, Bitcoin is still making huge strides in the tech world, taking over industries left, right and center. The travel industry is seeing more and more people using Bitcoin, as a virtual wallet is easy to transport and impossible to pickpocket, and Bitcoin is universal so there are no exhange rate charges. The online gaming industry is being transformed by Bitcoin too, where sites such as Playamo have over 1000 games which are all played using Bitcoin alone. With the surge in using online currencies, some have even predicted that Bitcoin is set to double in value this year, so it is definitely something we should be keeping an eye on.


3. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is thought to be the future of technology as we know it. There are certainly some fantastic prospects it can offer us, the usage of driverless cars is becoming more and more of a reality in the very near future. AI can be used for so many different things, from playing a game of poker against it, to solving complex algorithms incredibly quickly. Perhaps one of the most valuable reasons to invest in AI is the fast that it can help so many people with the progress they are making in the medical world. AI now has the capability to identify Alzheimers symptoms up to ten years before being diagnosed, as well the ability to scan medical records to help with diagnosis – even recommending the best medicine and dosages.


There is a lot to look forward to in the world of tech in 2018 and we are very interested to see how it impacts the world for the better. Only time will tell what will come of technology advancements this year, so watch this space to find out.