The summer holidays are already here and the little ones are celebrating the first days of absolute freedom. However, there are parents who are not entirely convinced by this idea and are torn between giving them absolute rest or maintaining order through a small routine of tasks. Many experts advise allowing them a complete break in terms of homework and taking advantage of the summer to spend time on different activities.
During the school year, exercises and study are tasks that are frequently taken home. In this sense, there is already a lack of consensus, since there are teachers who do not preach with the idea of ??sending endless homework that is not very stimulating to the students. However, it is in the summer when the children leave school and the debate becomes necessary.
Over the years, education has advanced by leaps and bounds and in this sense, a new way of stimulating children during the summer vacation months has emerged: informal learning. Broadly speaking, this would be one that does not have a structure and that differs a lot from the traditional learning that occurs in a class.
Informal learning is more intuitive than theoretical, it differs greatly from formal styles of knowledge acquisition. It occurs naturally and unnoticed by the child, who will face learning situations without even being aware of it.
Analyzing the method used for informal learning, it is quite evident that it really is the way in which we have learned many of the things that we know how to do. Children in their early stage acquire knowledge spontaneously by dealing with situations that are more or less new to them.
Summer is for devoting time to different and original activities, focusing learning on playful activities and social relationships. For example, it is a good time to allow the little ones to dedicate the time they want to a hobby, such as reading or drawing.
Organizing as a routine is necessary, so a good option is to try to keep a schedule but with activities that the little one enjoys. In this way, the summer will not make them completely disconnect from the routine and in September they will be able to return to school without the disruption of spending the whole summer without any order.