Every week social networks, mainly TikTok, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), bring us the funniest scenes. The protagonist of the latest video that has gone viral is a Chihuahua who suffers from rhinitis.

The little dog named María Pita has chronic rhinitis, so her owner is in charge of giving her nebulizations daily so that she can rest with complete peace of mind: “If not, I swear she can’t breathe and she snores all night,” says her owner Marti.

Marti Villar, María Pita’s mother, has shown the process in detail: “It gets crazy,” says the Argentine, referring to the drops she must put in the Chihuahua’s eyes.

Rhinitis is a problem that affects the nasal region of dogs and cats and can have different causes that, to a lesser or greater degree, can affect our pet. It is important that, if faced with any of these symptoms, we contact our veterinarian to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The users of this network could not resist commenting on this Chihuahua’s routine: “✨*scratches the angry chair*✨” says one. “I LOVE HER how she stays still,” says another.