Biden spoke at the Edison College early voting rally, where Democratic Governor. Phil Murphy is challenging Republican Jack Ciattarelli (ex-member of the state Assembly). In suburban Richmond, Virginia she also attended an evening event with Terry McAuliffe (Democrat), a former governor, who is running for re-election. It was a tight race against Glenn Youngkin (a businessman).

“We can’t get complacent. We must get to work,” the first woman, who was born in New Jersey, clapped on the stage to “It’s My Life” by Jon Bon Jovi. Jill Biden’s joke, “Heck! Today’s Friday” received the loudest applause. Go grab a beer, and vote!

Democrats were eager to increase turnout for off-year elections and dispatched the first lady in order to gather support for the Nov. 2 governors’ races. This is the first time Biden has been on the campaign trial since last year, when she volunteered for her husband’s presidential campaign. It also highlights the political stakes for White House.

Virginia, where President Joe Biden won with a comfortable 10 percent margin last year, could see a loss in the governor’s race. This would spell trouble for Democrats during the 2022 midterms when the control of Congress is in danger of being flipped to Republicans. Despite congressional battles over voting rights and infrastructure, the president’s approval rating has fallen to its lowest level in his White House tenure.

The first lady ended her trip by speaking to about 300 people at a grassroots mobilizing rally in Henrico (Virginia). Protesters, who seemed to be decrying federal fossil-fuel subsidies, interrupted her twice. She laughed and said, “You have gotta love democracy.”

Biden stated, “Virginia you need someone that you can trust, which is Terry McAuliffe.” With Election Day fast approaching, she warned that misinformation could become more common online. She also said, “There are many people who like to twist words around.” We know Terry. We are his friends.”

McAuliffe called Biden his “very good friend” and stated, “I cannot even tell you how much is at stake.” Youngkin was called a “wanta-be” by former President Donald Trump.