It is possible that you have postponed your great life ambitions at the time of your retirement. People must give up most of the time to fulfill their wishes due to work obligations. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned. Once you have managed to live away from the big city or take the trip that you never could, what to do? Contrary to what many expect, the transition to retirement can be a time of great emotional instability if you fail to refocus your life properly.

One of the most common mistakes people make when retiring is having too high expectations. The psychological preparation for this stage of life should be based on the setting of achievable, realistic objectives and goals defined according to the economic possibilities of each one. Having a large amount of free time at your disposal should not cause you to be overwhelmed or anxious, quite the contrary: now you can develop the activities and interests that you had deprived yourself of during your working life.

Spending time on a hobby, studying or setting up a small business are activities that will help you establish a new daily routine and, therefore, maintain optimal mental balance. It is important to look for spaces in which you feel comfortable to build your comfort zone, while finding dreams and setting yourself new challenges. You have shed the stress of years worked and that is an advantage: you no longer have to run to reach a goal and you can enjoy worldly pleasures without requiring you to assume obligations.

You can spend part of the day practicing a sport. Doing yoga, swimming or taking light walks and accompanying it with a healthy and balanced diet will allow you to maintain good physical health. Don’t forget to take care of your mind too, as rewarding the body with moments of rest and relaxation is crucial to living a balanced and happy retirement. A trip to the spa, massages or alternative therapies such as acupuncture are excellent options for self-care.

Maintaining a fluid relationship with your family and taking care of your friends will bring you great stability during retirement. You will need time to adapt to the new roles of living with your partner or your children, but you will soon normalize your new situation. Also, this will be a good time to forge new social relationships with people who share your same tastes and interests. Your relatives are in any case a fundamental pillar to validate your feelings and find solutions that make you feel better when fear or anguish stalk you.

Scheduling the activities for the week will be a good antidote to boredom. Successful planning will allow you to discern in advance between your personal commitments and the time you are going to dedicate to each of your leisure activities.