If you have a watch strap made of leather, you know very well that it needs proper care. But caring for your leather watch strap need not be difficult, as long as you know what you should look out for as well as what to do. But leather is a natural material, and it can be susceptible to more wear and tear and damage unlike other materials such as silicone and rubber. During the summer, your leather watch strap can also be affected by heat, sweat, and saltwater, and it’s therefore not advisable to use your watch strap at this time. So, what else should you do to take proper care of your watch strap? Here’s how to best take care of your leather watch strap so it doesn’t fade or deteriorate, and you can wear it for years to come.

Don’t wear it for long periods

If you have a leather watch strap made by a well-known luxury brand like Omega, then you know that it will be of the highest quality leather. But leather is a material which needs to breathe, so you should give the strap a bit of time to relax. This is why it’s not advisable to wear it for long periods. If you wear your watch strap for more than 24 hours, this can affect its longevity, look, and durability. Let the watch strap dry out for a while after wearing it for a few hours.

Don’t wear it too tightly

Another way you can take proper care of your watch strap is not to wear it too tightly. Wearing a watch too tightly can restrict blood flow to your wrist, which is not so good health-wise – but it is also not suitable for the strap since it will become stressed every time the wrist is moved.

Don’t wear it for too long under the sun

Even if you decide to wear your watch under the sun, you shouldn’t give it too much exposure to sunlight. Direct sunlight could very well lead to the discolouration of the leather strap, and it can also lead to the stiffening of the strap, making it hard and brittle.

Don’t expose it to saltwater

Saltwater isn’t your leather strap’s best friend, and you probably know the reason why. The salt in the saltwater can erode the strap and lead to its deterioration. If for any reason, the watch strap gets wet when you are spending time at the beach, you should first brush the strap to remove any stains from the saltwater. Next, use a mixture of gentle soap and lukewarm water to clean the strap with a soft towel. Then, make a mixture of half part water and half part vinegar, and spray it onto the strap. Afterwards, wipe the strap with water and a soft towel, and let it air-dry.

Clean it with conditioner

You can also keep your leather watch strap in tip-top shape by regularly cleaning it with a special conditioner. This will prevent the strap from becoming easily cracked or stiff, and it will prolong the lifespan of the strap as well.

What you can also do is buy alternate leather watch straps for your watch so that you can switch the straps occasionally. If you have an Omega watch, there are many Omega leather straps available, but make sure they are made by skilled craftsmen and are of the best quality. Your watch deserves the best, after all.

Image attributed to Pixabay.com