While some people celebrate the arrival of spring with a walk in nature, to celebrate the good weather and the explosion of flowers, others throw up their hands in fear of the ravages of spring allergies. The truth is that dogs and cats, just like humans, can suffer allergies during this season.

Kittens and dogs may be allergic to dust, mites and certain materials, such as the plastic in the feeder. Also food intolerances and allergies derived from dermatological problems. But they are also susceptible to allergic reactions to pollen, grasses and insect bites and parasites that proliferate at this time, such as fleas and ticks.

The first step is to go to the vet to try to determine the specific cause of your pet’s allergy. In some cases, the professional can prescribe a specific treatment. Once the allergen is identified, it is easier to limit the animal’s exposure. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, avoid taking it for a walk in areas where there is a greater presence of it.

Likewise, it is important to clean it well when you return from the walk, to eliminate the presence of allergenic substances in its fur. Clean the paws, abdomen, muzzle, and ears with a pet-specific wipe. Clean your eyes with gauze and physiological saline.

It is also helpful to brush it to eradicate any remains of its hair and to be able to check if it has any spikes or parasites. It is important that you maintain an adequate frequency of bathing, in order to keep your skin and hair clean and free of substances that cause allergies. If you have dermatitis, use a specific gel to alleviate this condition.

Regarding parasites, make sure you keep up to date with their deworming, both internal and external. You can do it with a pill, an antiparasitic collar or a pipette. Whenever you return home after being on the street, check that it does not have insects or scratches, especially if it has been in natural areas or in contact with other animals.