Surely you are used to dealing with stubborn, arrogant people who do not tolerate the opinions of others. Intransigence is unfortunately an issue that is the order of the day, one only has to take a look at the tense political landscape. This polarization is sometimes transferred to the streets, where there are people who defend their own arguments with blood and fire without even stopping to listen to the opinions of others.
Intransigence is a personality trait that characterizes people who firmly defend their points of view. This, although it can be a virtue when it comes to maintaining a clear conscience or ideas, can cause serious socialization problems for people who practice it if it becomes a reason for conflict with their relatives.
Intransigent people are characterized not only by their apparent difficulty in changing their mind or thought, but also by their avoidance of other opinions and perceptions about the world. This makes them go against those who refute their points of view in a discussion, and even fall into ad hominem arguments or insults to discredit the interlocutor. Having such a closed mind prevents these people from learning and expanding their knowledge and, ultimately, from taking intolerant attitudes towards some groups.
At the same time, die-hards are easily offended and listen to any information that could turn against them or affect their dignity. Excusatio non petita… Most of these people get carried away by their beliefs and tend not to differentiate between dogma and reason in their arguments. They prefer a world that agrees with their conceptions, instead of conforming to what has happened, and they self-servingly skew the information to share only what confirms their statements.
In addition to rejecting the perceptions of others, an intransigent person has no consideration for the damage they can cause to others. Feeling hurt, violent or uncomfortable is the most normal after facing someone unpleasant who does not let you express your opinion. However, you must maintain control of your emotions to avoid lowering yourself to his level and indicating that you do not like his behavior.
Be assertive when it comes to setting limits and making him see that your way of seeing a matter is just as valid as his. If this doesn’t work, don’t argue and, unlike him, listen carefully to his arguments. Soon he will come up with a fallacious argument that you can objectively contradict. And, above all, do not suffer; If you can do without this die-hard person in your life, push him away.