On January 11, the cooking show ‘Bake Off’ premiered on RTVE’s La 1, in which 14 celebrities become contestants to test their culinary skills in the specific field of baking. With Paula Vázquez as presenter, the jury is made up of chef Paco Roncero, pastry chef Eva Arguiñano and pastry chef Damián Betular.

In the ‘ring’ of contestants, Alba Carrillo, Ana Boyer, Blas Cantó, Encarna Salazar, Julio Iglesias Jr, Julio Salinas, Marc Clotet, Manolo Sarriá, Pablo Puyol, Patzi Salinas, Rocío Carrasco, Terelu apply to win ‘Bake Off’ Campos, Toñi Salazar and Yolanda Ramos. Toñi Salazar was the first to be expelled, while Manolo Sarriá was expelled in the second installment and Julio Iglesias Jr in the third program. In the fourth, broadcast last Monday, January 29, Encarna Salazar was eliminated in the expulsion test.

In its fourth installment, last Monday’s program, the first challenge consisted of a technical test that presented the contestants dressed as monks and nuns, since the test consisted of a tribute to traditional convent sweets. So, they had to make some almond pastes, some mantecados and some empiñonadas.

After tasting the preparations, the jury decided to send Encarna Salazar and Terelu Campos to ‘hell’. For their part, the creations of Yolanda Ramos, Patxi Salinas and Blas Cantó, who was the best valued, ascended to ‘heaven’.

Do you want to test your culinary skills with the same challenge as the ‘Bake Off’ contestants? Below, you will find the recipe for almond pastes to test your culinary skills.