The summer of 2023 looks hotter than usual, so we will have to use fans, air conditioners, soft drinks and escape whenever we can to take a dip in order to deal with the high temperatures. For young children, this means ice cream sundaes, fun days at the pool, beach or river, and water balloon battles.

But in the case of newborns and babies, special attention must be paid to know if they are getting too hot. Since they cannot express their discomfort to us in words, we must know how to recognize some signs that their body temperature is not adequate.

It must be taken into account that babies who are a few months old have not yet fully developed their body temperature self-regulation system. Therefore, they tend to be rather chilly, but they are also especially vulnerable on hot days, being more prone to heat stroke. Therefore, take a good look at certain signs to refresh it and make it feel good during the summer season.

Babies are very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so even if they are hot, you should never expose them to drafts. You should also avoid air conditioning in rooms where the baby is. If you want to cool a room, put the air conditioning without the baby in that room and turn it off when you go to take him to that room.

Dress him in cool clothing made of soft fabrics that are breathable and non-irritating. It is best to opt for cotton, muslin or linen. Leaving your feet bare when you’re hot will help cool you down. Protect his skin from the sun, put him in the shade, apply sun protection cream and a hat to avoid the rays on his head. As far as possible, do not take it outside in the central hours of the day, which are hotter.

Finally, you must take special care so that your baby does not become dehydrated due to the loss of liquids through sweat. If you breastfeed or bottle feed and take adequate amounts, you don’t have to worry. From six months, always under the recommendation of your pediatrician, you can start offering water.