That the dog is man’s best friend is something we all know. However, this does not take away the responsibility of taking care of our four-legged friends, which has a lot to do with providing them with good hygiene. Although they are not like us, and do not require a bath with water as often, it is very important to keep their coat clean to prevent the appearance of different diseases.

One of the first steps in washing a dog’s body is determining what you are going to bathe him with. One of the things you need to know is that you should not use the common shampoos that people use to bathe dogs, since the PH of a human’s skin is totally different from that of a dog.

The most advisable thing to keep a dog clean is to bathe it in the traditional way, with a canine shampoo – preferably recommended by a veterinarian – and with plenty of water. A normal bathing period for a dog is 15 days, but no more than that. Likewise, there are simple ways to keep your pet clean in the meantime.

This option is quite economical and quick to use. They are easy to transport and are suitable for any dog, whether puppy or adult. It is important not to use them near the animal’s eyes or ears, but they are very practical if your dog gets dirty with dirt or stains with something.

Brushing your dog is one of the priorities in terms of maintaining its hygiene. What experts recommend is to brush at least once every two days, at most. This will not only keep his coat healthy, but also serves to remove any traces of dirt that may be in his coat.

It is true that many times the natural smell of dogs can be a little annoying. The best thing in this case is to bathe him, but if you don’t have time, it is recommended to use a dry shampoo or some type of powder for dogs. Its use is simple: you have to let it act for five minutes on the dog’s fur, once applied; then brush it to remove it and that’s it. Another of its advantages is that it eliminates all excess fat and leaves your pet’s hair soft and smelling good.