In the field of relationships, it is common to come across moments where the balance of giving and receiving seems to lean more towards one side than the other, generating the perception of an unbalanced relationship. This situation, characterized by the feeling of investing more in the partner than one receives, can be a source of dissatisfaction and conflict. However, it is important to discern between perception and reality, and adopt constructive strategies to address these imbalances. Some keys are revealed to us by the Duoterapia psychology office.

The first step to addressing an unbalanced relationship is to identify whether we are dealing with a subjective perception or an objective reality. Often, we are not fully aware of the contributions our partner makes to the relationship. Taking inventory of the positive actions and support we receive can help us value the exchange within the couple more equitably.

Reciprocity in a healthy relationship is not similar to a commercial exchange, but rather to a checking account of love, where what each person contributes nourishes and enriches the relationship, although not always simultaneously or equitably at every moment. Observing the dynamics of the relationship over a long period of time can offer a more balanced perspective, recognizing that momentary imbalances do not define the entire relationship.

It is an essential pillar to build balanced and healthy relationships. Far from promoting individualism, it seeks to foster an interdependence in which both parties feel free and complete, both together and separately. The tendency to prioritize the needs of others over one’s own can lead to emotional imbalances and one-way relationships. Therefore, identifying and effectively communicating one’s needs, as well as establishing healthy boundaries, are key practices that allow maintaining individuality and personal well-being within the loving bond.

Promoting self-knowledge and personal development also enriches the relationship, bringing freshness and depth to the shared bond. Emotional autonomy not only improves the individual’s quality of life, but also contributes to a more harmonious and satisfying couple dynamic.

If we detect selfish attitudes in our partner, it is essential to learn to express our needs clearly and directly, without falling into demands. Teaching our partner about how we can meet each other’s needs strengthens the relationship and promotes greater mutual understanding.

Let us remember that true commitment in a relationship transcends the idea of ​​simply sharing life with someone; It involves living for the other, in an exchange of love, respect and understanding that nourishes and balances the relationship. The key is, according to Duoterapia psychologists, in finding that right balance that allows both members of the couple to feel valued, loved and satisfied.