Puberty brings with it a series of social and biological changes that greatly disrupt the routines of adolescents. Among them, it is worth noting that they get tired later than a younger child, but they also have to get up earlier than usual to go to school. Experts recommend that adolescents sleep an average of nine hours a day, which is not always easy to achieve.

According to the MedlinePlus web portal of the United States National Library of Medicine, factors such as school hours, extracurricular and social activities affect the adolescent’s quality of sleep. She is also harmed by excessive homework, demands regarding her academic performance and the constant use of mobile phones.

According to the aforementioned source, adolescents who do not get enough sleep run the risk of suffering consequences such as drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, bad mood, problems living with family and friends, tendency to overeat and gain weight, low self-esteem. and even depression. Therefore, it is essential that parents establish some guidelines for their adolescent children to improve their sleep routines.