More and more customers are encouraged to write a review, evaluating the restaurant’s food, the staff’s service or the economic cost. However, some users take advantage of this forum to squander the reputation of a restaurant, lying in their comments for various reasons. Among them, personal.

There are also clients who flee from the harsh tone of online reviews. And they simply take advantage of that forum to, in addition to evaluating their experience, tell their anecdotes.

According to a case published by Soy Camarero, a man spent a fantastic evening at the restaurant, but it did not have the ending he expected. “An incredible tasting menu, really. It was a truly wonderful experience, except for the fact that it was the last meal I shared with my partner of six years,” reads an attached screenshot.

The client fits it in as best he can and manages to separate the personal issue from his culinary experience. In fact, he rates the establishment five stars, the highest score. And he gives advice to future diners: “If you drink wine, my recommendation is a Rueda.”

This man’s review has generated dozens of reactions on X (formerly Twitter). “Almost perfect experience,” jokes the user who publishes the screenshot with the rating. “At least he gives it 5 stars, as there are those who say that and then give it 1 star for the bad experience,” says another. And some use classics: “The Last Supper. Amen”.