
Halle Berry’s Wardrobe Mishap Goes Viral in Behind-the-Scenes Video

Halle Berry found herself in an embarrassing situation as she struggled to get out of a tight blouse in a behind-the-scenes video that recently surfaced. The actress, 57, was attending the IFM’s Annual International Conference in Las Vegas last month when the incident occurred.

In the video, Berry can be seen trying to free herself from the blouse with the help of her stylist, Lindsay Flores. The two women hilariously waltzed around the dressing room, with Berry flashing her breasts multiple times as she attempted to wriggle out of the shirt. Each time she exposed herself, a red heart graphic was used to censor the video.

Berry’s Catwoman-like agility seemed to be lacking on this occasion, as Flores worried that the blouse would rip. The pair even considered using scissors to cut Berry out of the tight garment, leading to more laughter.

Eventually, after some serious effort, Berry was able to free herself from the wardrobe malfunction. The video garnered attention on social media, with many praising Berry for showing the reality of behind-the-scenes struggles in the entertainment industry.

Actress Viola Davis and Michelle Pfeiffer were among those who commented on the video, expressing their own experiences with wardrobe malfunctions. Fans also commended Berry for her honesty and transparency, noting that it was refreshing to see a celebrity share such relatable moments.

Overall, the video served as a reminder that even glamorous stars like Halle Berry face challenges and mishaps in their everyday lives. It was a humorous and endearing glimpse into the less glamorous side of Hollywood.

Caroline Thayer is an entertainment writer for Fox News Digital. Follow Caroline Thayer on Twitter at @carolinejthayer. Story tips can be sent to caroline.thayer@fox.com.