Many of you have been facing the issue of hair thinning, and it might be hair stops growing at a certain point. An unhealthy lifestyle, along with poor environmental conditions, is the most significant reason for hair growth. If your hair is not growing, then this blog is definitely for you. Here we are going to share the few reasons that should be known to everyone. Take a look


Well, sometimes length, color, volume and strength all come from genes. Do you know genes play a significant role in the hair growth cycle? Ladies who have healthy and glossy hair without any particular care, you should all thank your genes. Don’t forget to pay extra attention to hair care and growth.


Stress is bad for physical and mental health, and when it comes to hair stress, it affects growth. It causes hair thinning. Make sure you all have put yourself in calm to avoid any uncertain situation. Stress gives you nothing but makes your health deteriorate as well as cause hair loss and affect the hair growth cycle.

Hair breakage

Do you know about the average person’s hair growth per year? It is maximum 6 inches per year, but if you don’t pay attention, then hair breakage issues become more common. Hair breakage is because of improper care, and sometimes it happens because of overheat styling. Excessive heat makes your hair dry and brittle as well as become the reason for loss of moisture.

Overconsumption of alcohol/drugs

We all know overconsumption of alcohol and drugs make your health condition worse. If you all are into drugs and alcohol consumption, quit this because it won’t give you anything to make your skin and hair health worse. Recovery First Treatment Center is one of the leading rehab centres with experienced staff working with all drug addicts in quitting this abuse. Opt for a healthy lifestyle rather than this abuse.

Lack of healthy diet and exercise

Unhealthy diet and lack of exercise is the main reason for hair thinning. Hair requires sufficient vitamins, nutrients and minerals to grow. Make sure you people are taking specific multivitamins to boost hair growth, such as vitamins, protein, zinc, vitamin A and biotin. These multivitamins won’t weaken your hair and keep you away from damage and loss. Nutrients nourish your hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. A sufficient amount of healthy diet and exercise would do wonders for your hair.

Thyroid problems

Hormones production irregularities are the major reason leaving the worst impact on hair health. If you didn’t get the proper treatment, nothing would work for you because the thyroid affects hair growth and the body’s functionality. Thyroid issues cause hair thinning and hair fall badly.

Poor hair care routine

Poor hair care routine harms hair health, and it starts getting thin. Stay away from hair styling, chemical products, inefficient hair care tools and accessories. If you people are using such things, stop using them because it would make your hair weak and brittle.

Dry hair and scalp

Dry scalp and brittle hair are the signs of unhealthy hair. Lack of moisture level makes your scalp dry and causes breakage that restricts hair growth. Dryness causes infections as well, so always invest in those products that return moisture to the hair, such as natural products rather than chemical ones.

What is necessary for hair care?

Hair Care is essential for hair growth, and to minimize hair loss and damage; you have to select the right products or diet routine. First, figure out the main reason for hair fall and why hair growth is reduced. Follow proper diet and regular exercise to keep the mind and body healthy. Avoid hair styling your hair and replace chemical products with natural and environmentally friendly products to protect against damage and loss. Don’t get frustrated when you see hair not growing. Just follow the proper steps to boost health.

These are some reasons that reduce hair growth. Get the doctor’s help. They would suggest the right products and right medication for long and healthy hair because the wrong routine will lead you to permanent hair loss.