La Crítica de les Arts Escèniques has published the list of finalist proposals for 2022. On Monday, April 3, at a gala at the Romea theater in Barcelona, ??the winners of each category will be announced.

The proposal that leads this year’s classification is the play Fàtima, with nine nominations under its belt. Directed by the playwright Jordi Prat i Coll and produced by the Teatre Lliure de Gràcia, it has received recognition in the category of Show, Direction and Main Actress for Queralt Casasayas.

Close behind is Animal negre tristesa, a production by Sala Becket and the Teatro Español, with six nominations, including the categories of Show and Direction for Julio Manrique. In the musical sphere, the musical Golfus de Roma stands out, directed by Daniel Anglès, which has received five nominations, two of them in the category of Musical Actor for two of its performers, Jordi Bosch and Eloi Gómez, and one in the category of Actress. musical for Ana San Martín.

Just below it is followed, with one less recognition, by the musical Pares normals, by Els Amics de les Arts i Minoria Absoluta. Both productions will go head to head in the Musical Actor category, where actor Enric Cambray will face the two previous nominations.

Within the dance category, the Tradere scenography opts for two awards: Choreography and National Show for its creator and performer Laia Santanach.

Some of the works chosen this year show a tendency to mix disciplines, such as the show NEST, by Marie Gyselbrecht, nominated by both the dance and urban arts juries.

In turn, Poi, by Cia D’es Tro, has also been recognized by the urban and circus arts jury. The case is repeated with El desig del cor, the production directed by Lucia del Greco, which is up for two nominations from the theater jury and the Nouveau prize.

This year the awards will be preceded by The dramatic authorship, today, the previous dialogue open to the public where the nominees in the category of Text will participate: Josep Maria Miró (The most beautiful body that has ever been found in this place), Jodri Prat i Coll (Fátima) and Victoria Szpunberg (The weight of a body).

The act, framed within the celebration of the World Theater Week in Catalonia, will be moderated by the journalist Manuel Pérez i Muñoz and topics such as the possibilities of moving to the international circuit, translations and the professional interests of the playwrights, among others.

The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. at the Romea Theater and has the collaboration of the Fundació SGAE.