Life changes completely for a person who is going to be a mother or father. A totally dependent creature comes into the world and will need constant care and attention for years. This is a reality that often overwhelms when considering whether one is prepared for parenthood and to face such responsibility. Worth? The truth is that science has the answer to such a question.

Researchers from the German University Heidelberg, led by Professor Christoph Becker, published in the journal PloS One the results of their analysis of whether fatherhood makes people happier. The conclusions they obtained managed to provide very specific and quite interesting information for all those who are doubtful about this matter.

The study carried out by the German researchers analyzed the affective, social and economic aspects that are linked to paternity in people over 50 years of age and from 16 different countries, specifically 55,000 individuals. The experts show unanimity in their results. Indeed, people with children enjoyed greater social welfare. So it could be said that they are happier.

However, this investigation identified a noteworthy nuance in this regard. And it is that said satisfaction comes largely due to the independence of the children. That is, parents are happier, but when their children are already independent. This well-being positively impacts their quality of sleep, the management of family finances, and the enjoyment of free time.

There are many people who, for various reasons, do not show interest or are even perfectly clear that having children will not be one of their vital plans. A perfectly valid decision. Yet many others find themselves in no man’s land, unsure whether or not they would like parenthood to be a part of their lives. How to find out?

It should not be forgotten that this is a highly complex decision and that doubting is completely normal. However, creating a list of pros and cons is not a feasible solution. The best thing is to give yourself a truce and analyze yourself emotionally. Paternity must be a desire, an internal impulse, not a decision that is made based on social pressures, frustrations and other types of conditions that are not related to one’s true desire.

Psychologists recommend a trick. This consists of writing down on a blank sheet of paper three moments in life in which decisions were made promoted mainly by a hunch, by a decision of the heart. Something said that this was the right decision. The feeling that was experienced at that moment is the one that should be repeated.