You don’t have to be a heavyweight champion to enjoy the benefits of boxing to your exercise routine. Long-considered one of the most intense and calorie burning full body workouts available, boxing is an exciting way to get in shape and have fun doing it. Intimidated by the thought of walking into a boxing gym? Gyms like this one in South Austin, TX have certified coaches on staff to offer training at all levels. Before you know it, you’ll have the physique of your dreams and plenty of added benefits to your health, when you choose boxing classes for fitness.

The intense aerobic activity involved in a boxing workout burns fat and increases endurance. Boxing isn’t just one punch after another. Quick combinations, fast footwork and core-tightening technique all work together to give you a full body workout that will leave you drenched in sweat. You’ll learn how to tap strength from your core and engage your abs for more powerful movements. The high intensity training involved in a boxing routine allows you to lose fat and gain muscle while toning to a leaner body type.

Boxing is an awesome way to gain confidence! You’ll feel powerful while learning how to jab, uppercut and hook, with an emphasis on technique and posture. Feel like a warrior without having to set foot in a boxing ring. Whether you are sparring with a partner, shadowboxing on your own, or learning moves with a coach, you can increase your reaction time, improving coordination and speed. Boxing works wonders for self-esteem, as you’ll notice results quickly with a good regiment and diet!

You’ll also have the added benefit of learning self-defense techniques. The art of boxing encompasses not only offensive moves, but defensive ones as well. Blocking, ducking, and the bob-and-weave, are all moves that require quick reaction time and core strength, building intensity and variability to the workout. You’ll learn how to predict your sparring partner’s movements and react accordingly, an excellent skill to have for self-defense, inside and outside the gym.

And let’s not forget about the mental health benefits of boxing. The high intensity training sessions are a huge stress relief, especially for those of us with high-pressure jobs. By focusing on mental fortitude and self-discipline, you can get a much-needed break from the tensions of everyday life. Let’s face it, the release of endorphins after a stressful day at the office can sometimes make all the difference in the world, helping to keep your spirits up!

Physically, you’ll love how adding a boxing regiment to your workout shapes your body–leaner physique, toned muscles, strong core, less body fat, but what about the benefits you can’t see? Fitness routines that cause impact to your bones, such as punching a heavy bag, stimulate special cells that aid in bone building. You’ll keep your bones healthy and strong for years to come. And with all the blood pumping, you’ll improve your cardiovascular health as well. The benefits of aerobic exercise are well-known: improve your immune system, raise your metabolism, regulate your blood sugar, control your body weight, and lower blood pressure. Your heart will thank you for it!

Inspired yet? Boxing is a great way to reach your fitness goals quickly, whether you’re looking for a killer beach bod or an overall healthier lifestyle. Why waste time on a boring treadmill or stair climber, where every minute feels like an hour? Boxing is fun and makes the time fly by. And now, more than ever, boxing gyms have become communities for like-minded people of all levels to come together to reach their fitness and lifestyle goals. Try boxing for fitness today!