Any bicycle accident attorney can describe you that cycling accidents injure and even kill thousands of people in the US every year.

The reason behind that is, many auto vehicle drivers might have a misconception that bicycles do not actually belong to the public roads, which is entirely not true.

Bicycle owners have the same rights legally as it is for auto vehicle drivers to use the public roads. 

Most of the time, motor vehicle owners are not aware of these rules and unfortunately show a biased conception towards cyclists, and sometimes their negligence can even cause cyclists to get injuries.

So, if you also had to ever face such a situation and got injured on a bicycle accident, you have all the rights to seek professional or legal help to compensate from those who are responsible for this.

The right bicycle accident lawyer like would guide you properly about what legal actions you would need to take.

Causes Of Bicycle Accidents

90% of causes or reasons of bicycle accidents in the US are motor or auto vehicles, and most of them might cause serious injuries and, in some cases, even death.

In addition to that, most cyclists show negligent behavior and do not use much protection gear while riding a bicycle and thus face serious injuries.

Here are some of the most common reasons for collisions or accidents of bicycle riders:

  • A motor vehicle driver makes a right turn without noticing the cyclists and straight cuts off someone who is cycling in the bike lane.
  • A motor vehicle cuts off a bicycle in speed in order to enter the roadway.
  • A driver of a parked van, truck, or car opens the door of his car in the bike lane without adequately checking if there is a cyclist approaching.
  • The cyclists who are riding on the wrong side of the road and come against the traffic.
  • The cyclists try to make an unpredictable or hazardous move like pulling on cycle stunts on the road.

Who Can Be Held Liable

In a bicycle accident injury, it totally depends on the cause of the accident to know who would be held liable for the fault.

See who will be liable in these cases:

  • If the road was in bad condition or the rider of the bicycle fell because of the pits or garbage on the road, he can file a lawsuit against the governmental agencies who are responsible for the maintenance and designing of the streets.
  • If the driver of a motor vehicle caused the accident, the bicycle rider can file a lawsuit against the driver’s insurance company or even the driver.
  • If a bicycle was not accurately repaired or designed, the cyclists could file a legal claim against the manufacturing or repairing company for the bicycle.
  • If another cyclist or a pedestrian caused the accident to happen, the cyclist could claim a lawsuit against them.
  • If a dog or any pet jumped at the cyclists while he was riding and caused an injury, the bicycle rider could claim a legal file against the owner of the dog or pet.