Is it expensive to eat healthy? There are people who will tell you yes, and there are those who think no. And if you even think about seeking advice on the subject on social networks, you will end up in a state of complete disorientation and on the verge of needing urgent therapy.

I have learned to live without having a definitive answer. I mean, I think it depends on many factors and that sometimes it will be more expensive than others, but I fight the “it’s too expensive” argument and try to look for options.

For example, lately I’m leaning toward the cheapest option instead of the one I know and like. Just yesterday, for example, I paid one euro less! for a can of tuna because I took the white label one, and not the one I’ve always liked.

The ingredient lists and nutritional table are practically identical and the result was not very different from usual. In answer to the question at the beginning, I would say that eating healthy at a good price is possible if you spend a little more time looking for reasonable alternatives.

This week’s menu, of course, has tuna and another portion of fish, in addition to three dishes of legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and the usual

Baked preparations

Preparations with sofrito

Fire preparations

cold preparations